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Key Concept: Press Freedom

Done by: Novita SR Sianipar/Univ.of Sussex

Press Freedom has been a hot issue all over the world in the last century. It has become an important issue because people have different concepts of how far the freedom of the press should go. This essay will look at the meaning of freedom of the press by describing its origins. Next, it will focus on the idea of press freedom in developed and developing countries by giving an example from each one.

Press freedom appeared in France on 1789 as a result of the dissolution of France’s absolute monarchy. At that time Barbrook (1995) says that the state released private newspapers and books without state censorship. It was a great moment because for the first time individuals had enormous opportunities to publish their ideas, opinions or to share information to make a better society. Hence, countries have adopted this concept all over the world.

Also, according to Barbrook (1995) press freedom is defined as:
“The right of individuals to publish their own newspapers or books within legal restrictions protecting the interests of other citizens and the institutions of republic.” (p. 10)

Developed Countries
Public relationship to media and the way the press works in developed countries is different from developing countries. As Franklin B. et al (2005) remarked that Barendt (1985) claims press freedom can be interpreted in many ways like any general freedom of speech.

For example in developed countries such as England, the media has freedom to publish information regarding the royal family, even about Princess Diana’s affair with Dodi Al Fayed. The Daily Mail (2007) reported that Princess Diana was pregnant when she died but Dodi Al Fayed was not the father. Moreover, in a recent case which was reported by the BBC (2011) that an English footballer, named CTB who asked the court to take an injunction out against newspapers that published his affair with a reality TV star. CTB insists that publication about him would have destroyed the mental effect in all aspects of his personal life and make him becomes an object of abuse, whereas social media networks such as twitter have been talking about his affair in a more open and brutal manner without any real facts.

The examples above describe balancing between freedom for the media and the freedom for individuals regarding taking out injunction in the news.

Developing Countries
In contrast to the media in developing countries such as China and Indonesia, in China, the state has been controlling the media and using media propaganda as a tool. According to Williams and Rich (2000) the media is only allowed to reveal certain designated governmental topics. On the other hand, in Indonesia, Andreas Harsono, an Indonesian journalist thinks that although, the state supports press freedom, journalist still takes a risk in publishing news which can overthrow the state. Harsono called it “dancing in the dark” (ibid.: p. 90).

As mentioned above, the freedom of the press in each country is different. It depends on how much importance the state gives to freedom of the press and how much response individuals give to the media.


Barbrook, R. (1995) Media freedom: The contradictions of communication in the age of modernity. London: Pluto Press

BBC (23 May 2011) Privacy injunctions unsustainable, says Cameron. Accessed 14 June 2011.

Daily Mail (23 August 2007) ‘Diana was pregnant when she died - but Dodi was not the father’ claims French journalist Accessed 17 June 2011.

Franklin, B. et al. (2005) Key concepts in journalism studies. London: Sage Publication Ltd

Williams, L. Rich, R and Roland Rich. (2000) Losing control: Freedom of the press in Asia. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press


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