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A lesson from a train Ticket

I get a big lesson today. A lesson about my deepest heart. It humiliates me but as far as everyone can take any lessons from let it be.

I had conference today and before the day, I have booked train tickets go to Senate House (it is a part of University of London). After conference ( as I planned), I will straight a way go home but my classmate took me out for dinner. Well, I couldn't refuse it because my stomach had been singing after a few hours sitting in the conference, so yeah..I went with her.

The restaurant was big, clean and tidy. As I never taste any english breakfast, so I tempted to order a full english breakfast ( even it was evening hahaha). I asked a waitress if the restaurant could provide english breakfast in the evening, the waitress just smiled and said yes, indeed.

On the other hand, my classmate ordered sandwich with mozzarella cheese and one big corn soup.

It was a really great dinner. We shared so many gossips hahaha and personal things in life. We did not realise that I missed my train.

Actually, I missed my train just two minutes but it missed indeed. I asked a member of staff what should I did and he said I had to buy the new one. I was totally tired and felt upset about my fault. Feeling more upset, I asked another staff ( later I knew his name Gallat) if I could wait another train without buying a new one and he said it was ok. He advised me to wait until the next train came. But, when I were waiting, my heart was full of worried. I was afraid if someone asked my ticket but in other side my heart said it was ok because I was late just two minutes.

"Oh, it is not good. I am exhausted. "And the fact is if no one asked my ticket I was still a lying person because of travelling without a valid train ticket. I had to consider to my God's willing. So, I went and bought the new one for £ 16.

I thought the conversation in my heart would stop but it continued more loudly. One side said if a member of staff came so I had to give a former ticket to test if an un valid ticket was still valid as long as I had got in to the train and I did. I prepared my former ticket and looked forward a member of staff came.

One hour and until my last stop nothing happened. I felt up set again because I wasted money for buying a new ticket. My £ 16 has gone and then another side of my heart said," You didn't respect God as much as you said." At the time, I realised I bought the ticket not because I was fear of God but I was fear of human.

That is my story for today. Our lesson today is be careful what your heart said. Sometime it doesn't come from God but it comes from your hidden thought.


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